14degrees off the beaten track
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  • http://www.epictravel.info – a journey in the planning. Five to seven thousand miles across and around the US…I’m keeping my eyes on this one.
  • Skate Across Utah – Soon to happen 10 day skate trip across Utah in the US. I wish him all the best; smooth roads, tailwinds, traffic free roads!
  • Pushing for the Planet – Brad is skateboarding across Canada. Great fun videos and pictures. You may need to log into Facebook in order to watch the videos.
  • Marshall’s Journey – Marshall is skating/hitching in the US…check it out.
  • Roll Germany – A group of three friends loving a south to north trip in Germany by skateboard.
  • Cycling Without Borders – Markus is on his way across the Eurasian continent from Germany to China. Very regularly updated with great photos and interesting stories.
  • Itchy Wheels – Marc and Toon are cycling through China as we speak.
  • Matt On Ice – A good friend from high school days going mad in South America. Great pics!
  • China Wheelie – Another Rob, but he’s English and cycling for 1.5 years around China on a recumbent trike. Legendary. Can his adventure get any more stylish? I mean, he adopted a stray puppy and has been carrying her around for the last few months, with no intention of ‘Ditch’ing her. Good on you mate!
  • Marija Kozin – Marija’s journey on a bicycle from Slovenia to China, plus her return journey on a recumbent bicycle.
  • Paris to Peking – Daniel is riding his recumbent from Paris to Beijing as part of the Beijing to Paris Carfree project.
  • World Travellers – A Dane on a round the world cycling mish.

Other cycling sites that have been very helpful in palnning my own adventure, or I have stumbled upon:

  • Worldbiking.info – Eric and Amaya on an 80 country, 80,000km around the world cycle tour, masses of info on cycle touring – very interesting reading!
  • Let’s go Explore – Two Swiss guys on motorbikes from Switzerland to…somewhere far away.
  • Elijah’s Adventure – Elijah is going to cycle from Georgia to California. I assume that’s the state of Georgia, not the replublic. And he’s doing it on a Street Machine GTe recumbent bicycle – the same as mine.
  • Finding Home: A Journey into the Heart of America – Scot Wayland’s cycle across America on the same make of bike that I have been pedalling.
  • A Bike For Gareth – Follow the adventures of Gareth as he steps into a new stage of life with a new recumbent bicycle.
  • ERCK.ORG – Anyone who starts their round the world bike trip in New Zealand is cool already. Follow this couple as they cycle the world.
  • Leon Steber – Captivating journal writing and inspiring photos from a trans-American tour, and other travels.
  • Bart Rouer – A French fellow who is as crazy as me. I met him going towards the way I had come in the Wakhan Valley. He has his work cut out for him!
  • Kidderminster to the Caspian (and beyond) by Bike – Hamada is cool. Rescued a cheap bike from a shed, bought it for 40 pounds, and now he’s riding much of the way across the Eurasian continent on it. Very detailed info on the Baku to Aktau Caspian Sea ferry crossing.
  • Vagabonding on the Roof of the World – Rich is having a feast. Six months of cycling in the mountains of Northern India, Pakistan, Western China, Tibet and Nepal (drool).
  • Edward Genochio – Once wasn’t enough. He’s cycled from England to China, and now he’s cycled back again.
  • Nuts on Bents – A one year cycling journey from London to Sydney
  • Baku Bicycle Club – If you’re planning on cycling through Azerbaijan, make sure you contact the Baku Bicycle Club to hook up with some other keen ex-pat cyclists in the country.
  • Central Asia Bike Ride – An Australian couple who rode their recumbents from Istanbul to Hong Kong via central Asia.
  • Agence Future – Riding into the future with recumbent bicycles. A 30 month 20 country tour.
  • Janne Corax – Very thorough information on cycling in all the places you’d love to be.
  • Martin Adserballe – Remote cyclist extroadinaire.
  • Mark and Ju – Great site loaded with very in depth and technical information on long distance cycling. This couple rode from England to Australia.
  • Tim Cope Journeys – Partnered with one of the Central Asia Bike Ride riders to ride from England to Beijing on recumbents over two years. He’s now riding a horse from Mongolia to Hungary!
  • Bentrider Online – Masses of recumbent reviews, and a great forum section for asking any questions you may have about recumbents.

Distance longboarding sites:

  • SkateFurther – A UK based website promoting distance longboarding around the globe.
  • SkateNewZealand – A team of four skateboarded the length of New Zealand. Check this out. Awesome photos and stories.
  • BoardFree – A massive initiative to promote boardsports in the UK and overseas.
  • Pavedwave – James is a long distance pumper. He breaks 24 hour distance longboarding records in his spare time.
  • The Testicle of Manhood – Charlie is skateboarded from England through Europe to Morocco in aid of testicular cancer research (travel blog here).
  • Push for the Cure – Keep an eye on these guys. They have already skated 8,000km across Canada, and the rumour is that they are planning something bigger. Fantastic videos and pictures here.
  • Skate for Cancer – Another great long distance skateboarding story, with more to come, by the sounds of it.
  • Who Is Adam Coulton – He is a longboard maniac. Check out his website.
  • BeatsWalkinEurope – Another long distance skating mish, this time 4,000km from England to Spain. To start in July 2007.
  • Need Not Ollie – A New Zealand based longboarding organisation who, among other things, organises longboard races and other events.

Other sites of no less great interest:

  • Praha Postings – Friend Eric is taking over the world one European country at a time. Awesome photos.
  • When Homeless Take Over the World – some people just have an excess of creativity. Be part of the cardboard revolution. Live derelict, buy cardboard……….
  • The World According to Malcolm – The life and times of a clued up environmentalist working in New Zealand that likes to play with chicks. Endangered kakapo chicks that is.
  • Haidee’s Music – Life and times of a friend living in Japan.
  • Aozora – A mate of mine living and working in Japan. This is his blog, and be sure to check out his photos too. Some great shots of Japan there.
  • Cairns Media Magazine – ‘An online avenue for quality writing on assorted topics’
  • Dodo.com – Share your travel-experiences
  • Alias Jones – Fellow traveller met at a couch surfer’s place. Plenty of commentaries on America’s current state.
  • New Eurasia Net – Times and issues in central Asia dicussed on this comprehensive and well networked blog
  • Pure Focus – The site of a legend photographer (see above site). Soon to be many photos (you can buy them!) that capture the essence of New Zealand.
  • JesusLifeHouse Media – sermons from a church in Tokyo, Japan. Video and audio.
  • Radio One – Live streaming Georgian radio
  • Crofton Downs Pharmacy – A pharmacy in Crofton Downs, Wellington.
  • Churchill Shopping Centre – A shopping centre in Crofton Downs, Wellington.