Day 487 – THE CARIBBEAN (BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS): A reluctant farewell

Four weeks in the waiting, I am finally on my way. Through the wonderful assistance of John and Rich at The Moorings Yacht Brokerage in Road Town, Tortola, I have tracked down a captain taking a boat up north.

Captain Debbie is her name, and she is a delivery captain who does many deliveries for The Moorings. She is delivering a 38 foot mono-hull yacht from St Thomas in the US Virgin Islands to Alabama, USA. She is going via the Bahamas, so I am joining the crew to there. I am excited to be finally moving. The USA and 4 months of human-powered adventure await.

Across the USA by skateboard only. No vehicles. No backup vehicles. Solo and supported only by the kindness of strangers I meet along the way.

A massive thank you to all those people who have helped me while I have been in the British Virgin Islands: Horizon, Jo, The Moorings, Jeremy at the Trellis Bay Cybercafe, Aragorn and Fredrica, Dorothy, Silvia, Shamla, Megan, Jean, Todd, Lesely and Martin, Johnny, Alex and Laura, the Thursday night Peglegs volleyball crowd, BVI Yacht Charter Society, Chater Port, Southern Traders…and so many others.

Trellis Bay Cybercafe in Tortola, British Virgin Islands

Unfortunately I will be missing the much talked about Full Moon Party at Trellis Bay. Fireball sculptures, awesome music and entertaiment. If you’re there, take a look at the wood burning – I cut a large bunch of it up!

I was getting rather attached to the people of Trellis Bay, and I would like to be back one day…

Jeremy on his catamaran in Trellis Bay, British Virgin Islands

Trellis Bay Cybercafe owner Jeremy on his catamaran

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8 thoughts on “Day 487 – THE CARIBBEAN (BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS): A reluctant farewell

  • Aunty Les

    Great news, Rob. But I suspect that it's been very refreshing and energising for you to be in one place for a while surrounded by friendly people after all your many lonely days on the bike trail.

  • Aunty Jenny

    Hey Rob, how did you manage to wangle 4 months in the U.S.A? I thought you were only allowed 3 months. It sounds like you have had a great time in BVI. The Caribbean is a place I would love to visit some time. I bet you are brown as. I would think that it will take you awhile to settle back into skateboarding after so much time off. You will have to get rid of your sea legs and get your land legs back! U.S.A may be civilised, but I bet you will see some amazing things and meet some really great people.

  • Chris J

    Hi Rob,

    So are you going to make landfall in the US in the state of Alabama? It has very little coastline, the biggest costal city I am aware of is Mobile, Alabama. Starting your skateboarding from there will cut a significant portion of your trip compared to having to go the length of Florida from Miami.

    I am certainly hoping that you will continue to run into nice people once in the states. I have heard the phrase "southern hospitality" and will be VERY interested to see if it still exists!

  • Bram

    Hi Rob,

    Wow, that's good news. You finally will make it into the States. I'm very interested in your experiences over there. Did you manage to read 'The Lost Continent' by Bill Bryson by now ?

    Take care on the densily populated roads in the USA !

    Regards, Bram van Uden, The Netherlands

  • Scott

    Hey, Rob: Great news! Have a great voyage. I'm looking forward to your reports of the Big Skate. Do you intend to travel east before going west? As another bloke mentioned, Alabama is already pretty far west of the true East–not that it really matters. I just wonder what the game is this time.

    Be well.


  • Aris Melonas

    Hi Rob; Finally got around to "checking-out" your Website… best wishes on your Skate-trek. Keep me in mind if you're up near Las Vegas.