Day 98 – Panoramas!

I have installed the Photo Stitch software that came with my camera onto this computer, and have put together a few panorama photos. They give the best idea yet of the kind of terrain I covered in Kyrgyzstan and recently through the Pamirs in Tajikistan. Enjoy.

  • Click on the photos for the bigger versions (you will be directed to – the place where I store all my photos)
  • Place the mouse pointer over the picture, and the title will appear

Near Kerege-Tash Pass, Kyrgyzstan

Kerege-Tash Pass, Kyrgyzstan

West of Urumqi, China

On the way to Naryn, Kyrgyzstan

On the road to Kazerman, Kyrgyzstan


Aqbaital Pass, Pamir Highway, Tajikistan

Near Alichur, Tajikistan

Khargush Pass, near Wakhan Valley, Tajikistan

Sharin Canyon, Kazakhstan

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7 thoughts on “Day 98 – Panoramas!

  • Cornell


    I spent the snowy morning here in southern Alberta Canada reading your trip entries. You have kept me at the edge of my seat with your accounts. The photos are fantastic and your experiences are very interesting. Of course I say this from the comfort my my home. Oh to be young again! Good luck and will travel along with you on my computer!

  • Rob Thomson Post author

    Cornell, thank you for the comment. You can expect some more exciting photos soon. It's not long until I venture into the deserts of central Asia. I am looking forward to it.

  • Aunty Jenny

    The photos are great. Looking at them I can feel the whole vastness of the area. It's so incredibly barren. Have you been slowed down much by any rain? Looking at the photos it doesn't look as if it has rained in a long time. That canyon is amazing. We don't have anything to compare to that in N.Z. How do people survive out there. By the way, Nigel is very impressed with your pan photos.

  • Rob Thomson Post author

    Aunty Jenny, I have not had one day of rain while cycling since Korea (apart from some showers in Kyrgyzstan for a couple of hours). That's two months! As for the panorama photos, they were taken using the 'stitch assist' setting on my camera (Cannon Powershot A570) and then merged together using the 'Stitch Assist' software that came with the camera. Really easy to make.