14degrees off the beaten track
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Day 621 – USA (CALIFORNIA): From Hemet to CA76
April 1st, 2008 | categorizilation: all categories,USA (California)
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Today’s distance / ???????: 41.4 miles / 66.6km
Average speed / ????: 9.4mph / 15.2km/h
Time on skateboard / ????: 4h 23m
Total skateboarding distance to date / ????????????: 4038mi plus 280mi (?) / 6499km plus 450km (?)
Ascent / ??: 180
Descent / ??: 580
End-of-day GPS coordinates: N33.18.53.8, W117.10.38.7

Well, what a pallava. It was going to be a straight forward skate to Oceanside today. But as I should have known, nothing is straight forward when traveling by skateboard.

I left Hemet around 8:30am, intending on taking highway 76 all the way down to Temecular and then continue on highway 76 to Oceanside. About an hour into the ride, it became apparent that this was not going to happen. Highway 76 is narrow, no shoulders, with heavy, high speed, irritated traffic. No place for a skateboard.

I stopped in at West Coast Turf to ask for directions. What legends those people are. The ladies in the office took me under their wing and let me use a computer in the office to Google an alternative route. In the end I came up with a great route that took me on numerous detours but kept me off the busy roads.

Went past a second hand bus dealership. Trippy.

Buy a bus in Temecular, California, USA

Went through Old Town Temecular too. Nice spot, that. Got accosted by a group of people who were perhaps the most interested in my trip of anyone I’ve met along the way so far. Great fun.

With some interested passers by in Old Town Temecular, California, USA

The skate up Rainbow Canyon Road was the most challenging part of the day. A short sharp climb through the Temecular Golf Course.

Look out for golf carts in Temecula Creek Golf Course, Temecula, California, USA

After some more fairly serious ups and downs, I arrived back at the not-so-lovely highway 76 again. This time there were no alternatives. I had to walk some parts where the road was too narrow. Soooo many cars on this stretch of road. Not nice. I got sick of walking and eventually got off the road and set up camp next to a soft spot of sand on the river bed.

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