14degrees off the beaten track
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August 4th, 2007 | categorizilation: all categories,England,vids

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Just a bit of a ceremonial skate to Trafalgar square today. Not particularly emotional, but here I am. In Trafalgar Square, London.

At my journey's means in Trafalgar Square, London, England

And here’s some selected footage from the last week or so of my journey through Germany and Holland to England (6 minutes):

Selected Footage Germany to England with 14degrees.org

(click on the image above – film will play in new window) 

I was escorted to Trafalgar Square safely by Ailsa, and was met there by some of the Boardfree people, including Bev, Becki, and Boardfree founder and current long distance skateboarding world record holder Dave Cornthwaite,.

Bev asked me how I felt to be at the end of my journey. I can imagine that this may be a common question for many who have been following my blog. Let me explain…

I felt nothing in particular upon arriving at my destination. Why? Because London was always meerely a means to an end, not an end in itself. My destination of London was a means to discover a whole new world. Explore extreme and massive environments. Experience challenging situations. Every day, every hour, every moment of my journey has been an end in themselves. In theory, I could have gone home in Seoul one year ago, but my initial destination of London would have gotten me there.

Now don’t get me wrong. London is an OK city. Lots of buildings and all that.

Buckingham Palace, London, England

But give me the wide open barren steppe of Kyrgyzstan or the highlands of the Pamir Highway any day.

But as it is, the fact still remains that I am at an end of this journey. And end to which I have been supported in so many ways by so many people along the way.

I want to thank first and foremost my creator – my Father God (as defined in the Christian bible). Thank you for keeping me safe by putting people along my path who have been willing to help, thank you for allowing me to undertake this journey, and providing the means by which I was able to travel for this period of time.

Next is my thanks to my parents and understanding family, including my ‘adopted’ family in Japan. Thank you for your prayers and understanding as I spend such a long time away from you.

Thank you to all who have been regularly reading my online travel journal – both silent and vocal readers. Especially thanks to Mum, Kumiko Okaasan, Maki, Aunty Les, Aunty Lyn, Akimoto, Satoshi, Carl W, Chris J, Cousin Tim, Lee, Jean, Wim, Uncle Peter, Murdo, Mark Stosberg, Mike1727, Timmy Corkery and many others for your regular encouraging comments and questions on my blog posts and photos. They are a continuing motivation for me to continue recording my journey.

I would love to be able to list the names of all those people who have helped me by giving me a meal, accommodation, or simply broken the monotony of a long distance on the bike or board by striking up conversation with me. But not only are many of my written journals in NZ now, but my memory has been dulled by so many long days on the bike. I hope to be able to acknowledge you some time in the future.

Um. So…yeah.

Look Mum, I’m in London!

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Comment by AbrasiveScotsman — August 9, 2007 @ 6:07 am | post a comment

Big congratulations bud. Seems like this is going to be the first of many adventures of this sort for you. Ever think about becoming a travel writer? God bless :)

Comment by Rob — August 9, 2007 @ 6:56 am | post a comment

Just saying congratulations on arriving in trafalgar square. Don't know if you remember me but I went to supercamp with you.

Comment by Aunty Les — August 9, 2007 @ 3:40 pm | post a comment

The Netherlands is actually more densely populated than the UK but interesting that it's easier to get around there. Pity you couldn't have linked up with some cycle fanatics as soon as you landed in the UK. They might have known about that cycle route!

Comment by Marion & Bob Fer — August 9, 2007 @ 11:34 pm | post a comment

You've done it. WELL DONE. We have been reading " The Adventures of Rob" since before China and thoroughly enjoyed it. It's been a magic trip. Take care now and keep up the good work.

Cheers, From your Invercargill fans.

Comment by Aunty Lyn — August 10, 2007 @ 12:02 am | post a comment

Amazing to have complete such a journey!!! I agree that the most exciting pictures were form outer Mongolia – or equivalent stark places.

Are you able to get to Nana's 80th birthday bash??

Comment by Stoat — August 17, 2007 @ 4:09 pm | post a comment

Hi Weka,

Hope you don't get seasick! Let me know when you reach the west coast of N. America. I'll be back in BC Oct 10th.


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