14degrees off the beaten track
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August 8th, 2007 | categorizilation: all categories,England

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Went on the tube the other day. It took us about 20 minutes to get from Limehouse to the Westend. I’m sure if I was on a bike it would have taken just as long, but been much more refreshing than being cramped into those tiny little tubes on tracks that are the commuter trains of the London underground. Uck. Plus it costs about £4 for a return trip.

The Tube, London, England

But it was rather all exciting going to the Westend in London. My friend from Uni days, Ailsa, expertly guided me through the throngs of people to the ticket booth to buy some tickets to a musical. Yes folks, I am going to see Les Miserables on Friday night. Woohoo.

Westend musicals ticket office in the Westend, London, England

We got the cheapest and nastiest tickets they had there – 15 quid for second level terrace along the wall. But the seats are towards the front, so we should be OK.

The Westend, London, England

It was really quite overwhelming, the Westend. I wandered around in a sort of dumb-tourist-daze, resembling something like a confused small furry animal.

The sheer number of musicals and shows is amazing here. And they’re on every night. Friday night just happens to be the 9,000th performance of Les Miserables. Every night, I tell you. Perhaps I need to come back here some day and just spend a month going to shows every single day. Great way to go broke.

Westend musicals ticket office in the Westend, London, England

So thanks Ailsa for putting up with my tourist fever and desire to photograph everything in sight…

Rob and Ailsa in the London underground, London, England

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Comment by Lee — August 10, 2007 @ 3:15 pm | post a comment

Big and fond and grinning hellos to Ailsa, if you're still in the same place – she will forever be a star and legend around these parts. She comes up often in conversation. And is it the same Fiona you saw who was of the Latimer House crowd from back in the Bevington Manor days? The same hellos to her too, if so. I don't think I'll ever forget her delightful gesture of painting my toenails the first or second time we met.

Comment by Mum — August 11, 2007 @ 3:40 am | post a comment

They (whoever 'they' are) say that London is the place where everything happens. But as you note, if you went to everything you'd soon run out of boodle! Enjoy Les Mis – wonder if it's any better than the Invercargill Operatic Soc performance?

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