August 11th, 2007 | categorizilation: all categories,England
Ailsa has friends in Couldon just south of London who own a Laser 2 Regatta sailboat. Ailsa and her flatmate and I went down there for a bash at the Weir Wood Sailing Club’s reserviour with Paul and Elise. Paul expertly showed me the ropes, and despite the fact that a sailboat that goes across the Atlantic is just a tad bit different from the little Laser 2, I feel as though i got a feel for what it is like to travel under the power of the wind.
Thank you Paul and Elise!
You know the saying, Rob – A little knowledge is dangerous?
knowing anything at all about sailing would be a good thing I think
Going across the Atlantic you'll not only have wind but waves and ocean currents as well. Definitely a tad different from the boat and conditions you've just tried out!